Time, Talent, and Treasure
Sharing all that God has provided you by giving back and growing together.
Our time on earth, approximately 25,000 days, is precious and cannot be hoarded like grain. God created us to reach heaven, which is why He sent Jesus. Our earthly life is a journey toward heaven, requiring daily progress and devotion to God.
Daily prayer fosters a personal relationship with God, where we share our joys, sorrows, and seek His guidance. Reading Scripture daily allows us to meditate on His word and understand His boundless love for us.
Giving our time to assist others and organizations glorifies God, allowing Christ to work through us. Your gift of time is irreplaceable, as only you can offer it.
Each of us possesses unique talents and gifts, demonstrating God's boundless power and magnificence. These gifts aren't solely for our benefit but are meant to enrich the lives of others and enhance our service to God.
St. Peter urges us to steward these gifts responsibly for the service of others, recognizing the diverse graces bestowed upon us by God.
In our parish and community, we are called to embody Christ's works:
Visiting the sick and elderly
Feeding the hungry
Teaching the eager
Comforting the lonely and grieving
Offering prayers and support
Being Christ's hands and voice in the world.
By engaging in these Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, we become partners with Christ in the work of redemption, a profound privilege indeed.
Your talent is a unique offering, echoing St. Francis of Assisi's wisdom: "It is in giving that we receive."
The parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 illustrates the Christian responsibility to share our material gifts. The first servant doubles five talents, the second doubles two, but the third buries one. The master praises the first two but rebukes the third for not utilizing the gift. This teaches us to steward our material blessings wisely; neglecting them is sinful.
Scripture guides us in expressing gratitude for these gifts:
Returning a portion to God as an act of thanksgiving, traditionally a tithe of 10%.
Sharing with those in need within our family, community, diocese, and beyond (2 Cor. 9:1-15).
Your gift of treasure is unique and vital.